Sunday, August 31, 2008

Started with a nod

It was a normal day, the sun like myself, was struggling to rise to its full potential this early in the damn morning. I made my way to the New Jersey Parkway so I could put in my eight hours of work, ok five hours of work, at a dead in job that pays my bills and doesn't stress me out. Scanning the radio to find music and not talk, I look up and my eyes are focused on a plump ass. This short stocky brown skin guy was walking toward the bus stop. His short build reminding me of a back up point guard, thick strong calfs, big tight ass and strong arms. My eyes were fixed on his ass and legs when the unthinkable happened, he turned and looked right at me. I was caught, there was no denying where my eyes were fixed on, so I did the only thing I could, I nodded. He had a confused look, but figured I was just saying good morning since I had seen him several times before, so he nodded back. He was only 18 at the very most, but his 5'6 frame screamed sex appeal. I gathered my eyes from his ass and continued to make my way to work. During my forty-five minute ride I thought of tasting and palming his juicy ass, having his short thick legs around my waist as we passionately kissed. I was now fully up in every way you can think of as I pulled into my parking spot at work, pre-cum dripping from my manhood, soaking my H&M briefs and Diesel jeans.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I made sure I was able to wait for him at the light so I could watch him stroll to the bus stop. Ass and legs, a nod and a smile, images that led me to the bathroom stall at work. Friday brought a frown to my face as I thought about the four days I would have to go without seeing my new vision of joy in his basketball shorts. I had off Monday and Tuesday and would have to go without seeing my new friend. BOOM! The crack of thunder roared throughout my house, waking me from my sleep Monday morning. It was pouring outside and nature was putting on a light show that could rival any 4th of July firework show. I looked at my clock and realized my little buddy would be walking to the bus stop in this mess soon and I couldn't have that. I grabbed a shirt, put on my timbs, grabbed my keys and license and headed out to get my friend out of this mess. There he was, walking faster than normal toward the bus stop. "Yo, you want a ride?" It was Monday and I had no where to be so I could offered to take him where he needed to go and see how much of this young tender I could get to know. He paused for a second, looked around and just headed to my scar. There was no time to be shy, no one wants to stand in the rain, especially not this hard waiting on a bus and probably have to walk to their destination once they got off, plus I look harmless so he probably assumed I wasn't a threat to him.

"Thanks man."

"Don't mention it, where are you headed." I wanted to make sure he was comfortable before I started asking questions or giving my real intentions away.

"Kean University, you can drop me off at the Morris Ave. entrance and I can walk on campus if that's cool with you," his voice was strong, filled with masculinity, but he spoke better than I thought he would. I thought Ebonics would be his first and only language.

"I can drop you off on campus if you like, I have no where to be."

"Thanks. Have we met before?"

"I doubt it, I'm Jay. I was up doing nothing, and I see you every morning so I figured I would do my good deed for the month."

"Oh that's whats up. Thanks again, I would have been soaked." I thought about his basketball shorts being wetter than what they were, his white shirt pulling closer to his chest and I began to rise in my own basketball shorts that I had gone to sleep in. "I'm Jared, by the way," I let a chuckle out and hoped he didn't hear me. "What's so funny?"

"That's actually the name I used to give to people when I didn't want them to get my real name."

"Oh, so you like my name?"

"I sure do. So, what are you going to Kean for?"

"EOF program for incoming freshman. I'm a tutor. I'm in my second year and since I entered as an EOF student and did well, they asked if I could help out." Perfect, he is at least 18, no jail time today.

"Wow, that's great. What's your major?"

"Communication. You can turn right here," He pointed to the side entrance of the University, I was so busy talking to him I almost forgot where I was taking him. "I'm actually early, would you like to go in the cafe and grab a small bite to eat on me? As a thank you," his request seemed so innocent but I knew I couldn't stand up.

"Nah I'm good, but thanks man."

"I really don't want to go in the office just yet, I really don't like dealing with the old white women in their or the ghetto students as they make excuses why they don't have their homework."

"I don't want to be too forward, but you can chill here until its time for you to go, but I'm not dressed to go out of my car," I was hoping that I wasn't too forward but I did want to make it clear that I really didn't want him to leave me, not just yet, not without his number. He accepted my invitation and we talked for another 20 minutes about his major and sports, mostly sports. He was actually the third string running back for the University but knew his talents would not lead him to the NFL so he was trying to get his degree and get into broadcasting.

"Hey Jay, I really enjoyed talking with you and really appreciated the ride to work, but it's that time for me. We should do this again one day, most of my friends don't share my interest so I feel left out and never have anyone to talk to about football and school."

"That will be cool, here take my number and if you need a ride home and I'm in the area I'll come get you."

"Thanks yo, you are a good man. I'm glad I caught you looking at me last week," he started to laugh and gave me a sly smile.

"Wow, you knew?"

"It was obvious man, but I was flattered and your cute. So maybe I'll use this number for more than just a ride home." He slipped the tiny piece of paper I had written my number on in his cheap book bag and ran into the building. I sat back in my chair and just laughed, keeping my head facing forward so I wouldn't be caught checking him out again. NEW MESSAGE, my phone alerted me to a new text message: you could have looked if you wanted...thanks again man.

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